Welcome to the new law students to Mount Zion Law College. As the name ‘Mount Zion’ represents the pinnacle in the Spiritual Realm, so is the vision of this college. Eternal Law was handed to man in the Old Testament and later Jesus in the New Testament gave the cover of love to the Eternal Law. He said ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’’
Since those times Eternal Law also termed as Divine law has been mixed with human laws to deal with various disputes and issues by elders in the community under their authority. This gave rise to Natural law, a combination of divine law and common sense or reasoning. The concept that even the most Sovereign God gave a chance to Adam to be heard when he ate the forbidden apple is the origin of Audi Alterum Partem, meaning that ‘No man be condemned unheard’. Even though God knew that Adam had wronged still he was asked to defend himself.
This principle has found its place in almost all the democratic nations which follow the ‘Rule of law’. In Mahezbin Mohammad ArifKureshi v. State ofGujarat in 2021, Gujarat High Court referred to this principle as observed since long in the judicial system. This has given rise to many other corollary concepts such ‘No man should be judge in his own case’, ‘Justice should not only be done but seem to be done’ and many other. My earnest desire is to build and develop our law students into a generation walking in Truth and Justice and becoming a Ray of Hope in this world upholding the principles of Rule of Law for all Mankind irrespective of any barriers.